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The renowned Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), School of Media and Cultural Studies (SMCS), Mumbai, is of particular interest to the MurthyNAYAK Foundation (MNF). While MNF makes efforts to feed and educate children in India, and to empower Indian women, we recognize that it is also critical to show communities the need that surrounds them, so that more institutions and individuals may become involved in finding solutions. MNF therefore is supporting student projects produced within SMCS that will have the potential to create change by raising public awareness.
Funding from MNF went toward equipment, workshops and mentoring, and other assorted production costs during this 2018 initiative. Helping students to refine the quality of their productions increases the opportunities for them to be shown to a wider audience, spreading the content of their message. MNF also supported four films produced by SMCS alumni and sponsored the Cut.In National Students’ Film Festival – the oldest student film festival in India.
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20 November